WOODVIN-R Rodent Control Kuala Lumpur (KL), Selangor, Malaysia Supplier, Suppliers, Supply, Supplies | XWay Sdn Bhd

Wood vinegar was investigated by German chemist Johann Rudolph Glauber. The acid was eaten as a substitute for vinegar. It was also used topically for treating wounds, ulcers and other ailments. A salt can be made by neutralizing the acid with a lye made from the ashes of the burnt wood.

What is WOODVIN-R?
With the secret formulation control the scent of the wood vinegar, WOODVIN-R scent is pungent enough to repel rodent in a closed area.

How WOODVIN-R repel rodent?
Rodents have notably poor eyesight, but a heightened sense of smell to make up the difference.  Overpowering their little noses with a pungent scent that offensive to rodent, WOODVIN-R has been proven effective to make them ‘stay away.’ The pungent scent of the WOODVIN-R will make rodent uncomfortable and lose their power of smelling. Rodent won’t nest or congregate in areas that they can’t smell a predator coming and at the same time lose the power to seek food.

Where should WOODVIN-R to be installed.
WOODVIN-R needs to be created a consistency pungent scent to repel rodent at a closed area. An auto dispenser is needed to work with WOODVIN-R. One unit auto dispenser with the interval time 15 minutes spray 0.13ml, operate 24 hours can be cover a closed area up to 500-800 square feet. The pungent scent is not a pleasant smell for human, that’s why WOODVIN-R is recommended to install on the ceiling or operate at the time when nobody is there.


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